Tuesday, December 4, 2012

With Time Comes Change

Each time period has certain needs that have to be met to accommodate social and political changes. One big one was when women started to wear pants because many of them were entering the work force along side men. Near the end of the 19th Century, women wore trousers with blouse when doing industrial work or when they went on a bicycle ride (no way of sitting side sadel on that thing!). Then when World War II hit, women wore their husbands trousers to work in while the men were out at war and the women had to start bringing home the bacon. It wasn't until the 1970's when trousers become fashionable for women. Except decades before, like in the 50's, women would wear more of a feminine style pants like the Cigarette pant, which is a style pant Audrey Hepburn would wear. Still today you see the influence of Mens wear on women's apparel. Blazers are a big trend in women's fashion, as are big watches, collared shirts, and loafers/oxfords.

Examples of Men's wear inspired fashion




It is very interesting to see that back in the day when women were entering the work force and needed to wear pants because there was no way they would be able to work in a dress. How today in fashion and in certain styles we embrace the look of a man. It is so interesting to me that women, have maybe consciously or subconsciously, dress like a man to either be taken seriously or just in general to enter the work force. Who would of thought that fashion would reflect many social and political issues, whether it be women entering the work field and wearing pants or protestors wearing peace signs to end the war.

Functionality Determines Status

For centuries class determined the type of life you lived. It dictated the way you acted, the people you associated with, the jobs you held, who you married, the food you ate and the way you dressed. In a way this is still true today. As more wealthy people shop at more quality, high-end stores, and people who do not have a lot of extra money tend to shop more at low-end store where they can get more for their buck. Fashion is a factor in defining your so called "status" in society. Where wealthy people can spend thousands of dollars on furs, leathers, and jewelry. These pieces that they buy aren't always functional - something they can get down on their knees and clean the floor in.  Could you ever see Queen Victoria get down on her knees and clean the floor or wash some laundry in the extravagant elegant gowns she wore? Yeah, I didn't think so. Their clothes proved their wealth and had the purpose of telling the world that they did no sort of physically demanding activities. 


But you could see servants and peasants out in the field tending the land, taking care of the animals, and cleaning in not so extravagant, expensive garments. But ones that were functional, ones that wouldn't get ruined if they got a little dirt on them.  


It is so interesting how this trend in class affecting your wardrobe had stayed constant through the ages. It is like how certain idea and stereotypes are so ingrained in society, so that they never go away. It will be the day when someone comes up with the innovative solution to solve this societal issue. 


As I read about different cultures and societies, I found that geography was a common factor in determining the level of creativity of said society. A part of a societies creativity is fashion. The people have to adapt to certain climates and living conditions and fashion is a big part of that adaptation. For example, people who live in Russia have to live through brutally cold winters and resort to dressing in furs and heavy down coats. Where people who live in a more humid tropical climate go to great lengths in staying cool by wearing linen and cotton, which are very light and breathable fabrics. Each society has to use their creative juices not only politically and socially but also when thinking on how they dress each day based on where they live.
Designs from Russia Fashion week

Even though their climate is so harsh, which makes it difficult for them to wear fashionable things, through the creativity of designers they turn their weaknesses into strengths. They use their creativity to solve problems and combine ideas together to get what they want. Fashion and Warmth. 

Current Trends Reflect the Past

For the past 10 to 15 years you have seen trends from all the decades come back into style from waist-synching aline skirts from the 50's, mod styled dresses from the 60's, high-waisted flared jeans from the 70's, dramatic shoulders from the 80's, or 90's grunge   Designers have been seeking inspiration from past designers and trends. Creativity to me is taking a concept or an idea that has been done before and making it your own, and that is exactly what designers today have done.

50's Classy Silhouettes

60's Mod

 70's Flare

I love that people can take an idea and make it their own and interpret it in a whole new way. That is what I call creativity. Especially in this day and age where so many ideas have already been claimed. There is no original thought or idea anymore. Like in art, every painting is some sort of copy of something else - something that has inspired the artist. So then the artist takes that idea and makes it their own. 

Greek: Then and Now

Not only do designers seek inspiration from other time periods but other cultures as well. Greek culture  influenced politics, philosophy, theatre, architecture, science and the list goes on and on, centuries ago. It is considered one of the most influential forces ever. You still see Greek influences in architecture, government, and even in fashion today. From dresses, gold accessories, to gladiator sandals. Greek culture is still alive and thriving.

Art work of what women wore in Ancient Greece - during the height of creativity.

Designers still seek inspiration from greek culture by including the long - flowy material and style of dress with the synched in waist. Creating a beautiful, yet simple silhouette. 
We are just like the Romans. We look to the Greeks for inspiration in forming our own culture. Taking their ideas and making them our own.