Tuesday, December 4, 2012

With Time Comes Change

Each time period has certain needs that have to be met to accommodate social and political changes. One big one was when women started to wear pants because many of them were entering the work force along side men. Near the end of the 19th Century, women wore trousers with blouse when doing industrial work or when they went on a bicycle ride (no way of sitting side sadel on that thing!). Then when World War II hit, women wore their husbands trousers to work in while the men were out at war and the women had to start bringing home the bacon. It wasn't until the 1970's when trousers become fashionable for women. Except decades before, like in the 50's, women would wear more of a feminine style pants like the Cigarette pant, which is a style pant Audrey Hepburn would wear. Still today you see the influence of Mens wear on women's apparel. Blazers are a big trend in women's fashion, as are big watches, collared shirts, and loafers/oxfords.

Examples of Men's wear inspired fashion




It is very interesting to see that back in the day when women were entering the work force and needed to wear pants because there was no way they would be able to work in a dress. How today in fashion and in certain styles we embrace the look of a man. It is so interesting to me that women, have maybe consciously or subconsciously, dress like a man to either be taken seriously or just in general to enter the work force. Who would of thought that fashion would reflect many social and political issues, whether it be women entering the work field and wearing pants or protestors wearing peace signs to end the war.

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