Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Current Trends Reflect the Past

For the past 10 to 15 years you have seen trends from all the decades come back into style from waist-synching aline skirts from the 50's, mod styled dresses from the 60's, high-waisted flared jeans from the 70's, dramatic shoulders from the 80's, or 90's grunge   Designers have been seeking inspiration from past designers and trends. Creativity to me is taking a concept or an idea that has been done before and making it your own, and that is exactly what designers today have done.

50's Classy Silhouettes

60's Mod

 70's Flare

I love that people can take an idea and make it their own and interpret it in a whole new way. That is what I call creativity. Especially in this day and age where so many ideas have already been claimed. There is no original thought or idea anymore. Like in art, every painting is some sort of copy of something else - something that has inspired the artist. So then the artist takes that idea and makes it their own. 

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